Sunday, April 7, 2013

NM Beta Teacup


Beta Tea Cups are one of the smallest Beta Items to ever exsit in Jamaa. Also known as the Blue Teacup, this item is pretty rare. Many Jammers still have the Beta Tea cup, but Beta Teacup wise there really isn't that many. Probably around 1,000,000 still in Jamaa today. (Which is really small compared to 10,000,000 Jammers) 1/10 of the Jammers that play today still have Beta Teacups. 


                           What they're worth

                Beta teacups are Beta, thus making them rare. 2 other beta items  are what their worth.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

NM Phantom Statue

NM Phantom Statue

Hiya Jammers! Today's first beta lesson is the NM Phantom Statue.  

                                               What are they worth?

                                                     NM Phantom Statues are rare but are only worth a Fox Hat and 1 Rare Den Item.

Non-member Phantom Statues came out in stores during the first Night of the phantoms, (Halloween 2010) Also known as Beta Phantoms, these items disapered quickly although they are rare many of them are still in Jamaa. Meaning that many jammers that have been playing since the old AJ Times, still have these statues. The love for these staues makes them one of the most common betas in Jamma.  



Hiya jammers, I bet ya'll are hungry for some facts on betas, well you've come to the right place. MY BETA BLOG!!! Hope you find it useful, -partyanimalzz